Heavy Metal Poisoning And Your Health

Heavy Metal Poisoning And Your Health

There are heavy metal toxins all around you just hiding everywhere in your environment and they’re waiting to infiltrate your body and make you sick. When these toxins enter your body, they can really reap havoc. They will weaken your immune system leaving you prone...
Different Types of Heavy Metal Poisoning

Different Types of Heavy Metal Poisoning

This is the buildup of heavy metals in various tissues in the body and there are many kinds that can infiltrate your body and make you very ill. Here is a fairly large list of them that you should watch out for that may be in the ingredients of the food you eat…...
Heavy Metal Poisoning and Your Body

Heavy Metal Poisoning and Your Body

Heavy Metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, and many more are all around us, lingering within our environment. It is imperative that you LITERALLY know what you are getting into every time you go anywhere. Your skin can absorb heavy metal toxins simply by...
Ted Danson on Mercury Poisoning from Seafood

Ted Danson on Mercury Poisoning from Seafood

Check out the commentary by Ted Danson and some of the nation’s leading experts in the increasing dangers of methyl-mercury in seafood. For more information about Heavy Metal Poisoning visit...